Sunday, April 29, 2018

Starshot's photocomic Newcomers part 3

So the first story arc is finally done. They say the toughest part is always getting started. That's how I would describe Newcomers. It's not that great, but its a start. I'm planning to make better stories in the future of this comic.
However, this is also a blog and I can really post whatever I like on here. With that in mind making a comic is a bit difficult and with Newcomers done I feel like I can make posts with more variety to them. I have plans for stuff like my favorite cartoons, a prequel story for my Bionicle stop motion series, and more in the future.
Another Reason these comics take so long and that is because I'm busy with school work and have deadlines to meet for assignments. It's tough to balance them out which is why I only post at the end of every month. May is going to be busy for me with finals coming up so I may not be able to get a post out till all my classes are ove